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Music Hub Investment Programme: making your application

What you need to know

These webpages were published in June 2023 to share information and guidance about how to apply to the Music Hub Investment Programme.

The Music Hub Investment Programme application portal was open from Tuesday 18 July until 12pm (midday) on Thursday 12 October 2023.

All applicants to the Music Hub Investment Programme were notified of the outcome of their application on Monday 8 April. 

On Tuesday 23 April 2024, we published guidance on funding agreement negotiation to support applicants offered the role of new Hub Lead Organisation through the transition to the new Music Hub programme. We also updated the templates and how-to guides to help organisations with their funding agreement negotiation.

We announced new Hub Lead Organisations publicly on Tuesday 7 May 2024. 

To ensure the delivery of high quality music education right across England, we continued the search for new Hub Lead Organisations for the London - South West and South Yorkshire Music Hub areas between Thursday 25 April and Thursday 6 June 2024. As part of this process, we published an addendum to the Guidance for Applicants. The addendum highlighted changes to the original guidance, including updates to essential documents and other supporting materials. 

The new Hub Lead Organisations for the South Yorkshire and London – South West Music Hub areas were added on Monday 22 July 2024. 

Download the list of new Hub Lead Organisations >

Download a spreadsheet of the new Music Hub areas and funding allocations > 

View a map of new Music Hubs >  

Where is the Guidance for Applicants?

You can download the Guidance for Applicants and the addendum to the Guidance, as well as these documents in accessible formats, in the Guidance for Applicants section of this webpage, which you can find on the left.

What you need to do

The below information is about the application process to the Music Hub Investment Programme. 

If you are thinking about applying to be a new Music Hub Lead Organisation, there’s things you can do now to prepare to apply for the Music Hub Investment Programme.  

  1. Read the Guidance  

Read the Guidance for Applicants and all the essential documents. You also might want to read the other helpful and suggested documents in the ‘What you need to know’ section.  We’ve also published how-to guides to help you prepare your application.

  1. Speak with your team  

Be sure to speak to people on your organisational board, or its equivalent, about whether you should apply. They’ll have a big role in being accountable for your funding agreement with us, if we invite you to become a new Hub Lead Organisation. You can learn more about the role of your organisational board and our Hub governance requirements in the Guidance for Applicants and the ‘Governance and management arrangements for Music Hubs’ essential document.   

  1. View the new Music Hub areas and confirmed core revenue grant allocations

We’ve shared the new geographic areas for Music Hubs and their funding allocations. We’ve worked closely with the Department for Education to shape these areas, using your feedback from our conversation and consultation phase.   

View a map of new Music Hubs >

Use the plus and minus button on the top left of the map to zoom in and out.  

Download a spreadsheet of the new Music Hub areas and confirmed core revenue grant allocations > 

On Tuesday 18 July, we updated this spreadsheet to include the confirmed core revenue grant allocations. The confirmed grant allocations are different to the indicative grant allocations that were previously published, so please read them carefully. You need to budget for the confirmed grant allocations in your application.   

We believe that these new Music Hub areas will realise the ambition and vision of the government’s National Plan for Music Education, The power of music to change lives, to fund fewer, more strategic Music Hubs that cover larger geographic areas, and ensure the best music education for all children and young people in every local area.  

Read the funding FAQs >

  1. Think about partnerships   

New Hub Lead Organisations will work with a wide range of local, regional and national delivery partners, drawing on partner organisations’ knowledge and experience to ensure every child and young person in that area has access to high-quality music education. If you’re interested in being part of a new Music Hub, you should speak with other organisations in your area to consider how you could work together to deliver the best outcomes for children and young people.   

It’s important to remember that any organisation can be a partner in more than one Music Hub area - collaboration and partnership within and between Hubs will always be welcome and is strongly encouraged.        

Organisations interested in applying to become a new Hub Lead Organisation do not need to finalise their partnerships before making an application.  

Guidance on preparing a partnership agreement   

We’ve published guidance to help you develop your partnerships and prepare a partnership agreement. It includes information on what your partnership agreement must do, its level of detail and what it should include, and more.   

Take a look >  

Find potential partners in your area   

We’ve created a digital resource to help you find other organisations interested in collaborative working.   

Take a look >  

  1. Take a look at the data   

Did you know that we survey Music Education Hubs every year? Take a look at our data dashboard to learn more about current Hub delivery, engagement with schools, funding arrangements, governance and workforce, and think about what a new Music Hub partnership could look like in your local area.  

View the data >  

  1. Rewatch our webinar   

On 28 June, we held a webinar to guide you through the application process, answer your questions and support you as you prepare your application.  

Watch the webinar and download the transcript >

We’ve updated our FAQs to answer your commonly asked questions in the webinar. 

Take a look > 

View all the questions asked in the webinar >  

  1. Have an introductory conversation   

If you’re thinking of applying, have read the Guidance for Applicants, and have spoken with your team, you need to have an introductory conversation with us. You need to speak with us even if you have previously been involved with a Music Education Hub. You can learn more about introductory conversations in the Guidance for Applicants.  You should read the Guidance for Applicants before requesting your introductory conversation.

Introductory conversations will take place between Monday 10 July to Friday 18 August 2023. 

The deadline for requesting an introductory conversation was midday (12pm) on Monday 31 July 2023. You can request your introductory conversation online or by phone.

  1. Register for Grantium   

You’ll make your application through our online portal, Grantium. Before you start your application, you’ll need to create an account, if you haven’t got one already. Remember, it can take up to ten working days to approve your account.

Our Grantium support webpages guide you through how to create your user account and applicant profile.  

Take a look > 

  1. Submit your application 

You can now apply to become a new Hub Lead Organisation.   

The deadline to submit your application is 12pm (midday) on Thursday 12 October 2023.    

Apply now > 

Use the How to Apply - Grantium Guidance and the Grantium video walkthrough below for step-by-step guidance on how to complete the application form. 

10. Keep in touch   

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear updates about the Music Hub Investment Programme.   

Sign up >  

We understand that this webpage has lots of information about the Investment Programme, so we’ve created a checklist of everything you need to know and do. This checklist was updated on 18 July 2023 to include information about how to apply using our application portal. All the information in the checklist is also on this webpage.  

Download the checklist >  

Guidance for Applicants

On this page, you can find the Music Hub Investment Programme: Guidance for Applicants and the Addendum to the Guidance for Applicants for the South Yorkshire and London – South West Music Hub areas.

The Guidance for Applicants explains what a new Hub Lead Organisation will need to do, who can apply, what we’ll ask in the application form, and how we’ll make our decisions.     

Please note that this document was updated on Thursday 6 July 2023 to update information related to introductory conversations on page 47.

Download the Guidance for Applicants: 

Download the Addendum to the Guidance for Applicants: 

Need some help?

Get in touch with our Customer Service team >   

You can learn more about how we can support you with your application in our ‘Access Support’ helpful document.  

Take a look > 

The deadline for requesting this document in another format was Friday 4 August 2023. 

Essential documents

On this page, you can find the below documents:   

  • Programme of activity for Music Hubs   

  • Strategic functions for Hub Lead Organisations 

  • Governance and management arrangements for Music Hubs    

  • Music Hub areas and grant allocations   

  • Lead Schools for Music    

  • Purchasing and maintaining musical instruments 

You will need to refer to the contents of these essential documents in your application.   

Please note that the ‘Purchasing and maintaining musical instruments’ document was reuploaded on 15 June 2023 with minor formatting edits (no changes to the information within the document). The ‘Strategic functions for Hub Lead Organisations’ document was reuploaded on 19 June 2023 with minor formatting edits (no changes to the information within the document).

Download the documents: 

Programme of activity for Music Hubs

Strategic functions for Hub Lead Organisations

Governance and management arrangements for Music Hubs

Music Hub Areas and Grant Allocations

On Tuesday 18 July, we updated the Music Hub areas and grant allocations spreadsheet to include the confirmed core revenue grant allocations. The confirmed grant allocations are different to the indicative grant allocations that were previously published, so please read them carefully. You need to budget for the confirmed grant allocations in your application.   

Lead Schools for Music

Purchasing and maintaining musical instruments

Need some help?

Get in touch with our Customer Service team >   

You can learn more about how we can support you with your application in our ‘Access Support’ helpful document.  

Take a look > 

The deadline for requesting these documents in another format was Friday 4 August 2023. 

Helpful resources

On this page, you can find the below helpful documents as PDFs and in accessible formats: 

  • Access Support   

  • Safeguarding and child protection   

You can also find the Microsoft Word version of the application form on this page, a link to Arts Council England’s guidance on partnership agreements, and a link to the current Music Education Hub Lead Organisation guidance on transfer arrangements related to the Music Hub Investment Programme.

You don’t need to refer to the contents of these helpful documents in your application, but we recommend reading them as you prepare your application.   

We’ve also shared three short videos to help explain key things you should consider when preparing your application.

Download the helpful documents and watch the videos below: 

Access Support

Safeguarding and child protection

Partnership agreement guidance

You may also wish to read our guidance on preparing a partnership agreement.  

Take a look > 

Microsoft Word version of the application form  

This is to help you prepare your application offline. You are not able to submit your application as a Word document.    

Please note that this document was updated on 18 July 2023.

Download the document below: 

Current Music Education Hub Lead Organisation transfer guidance 

Section three of the Guidance for Applicants explains about the possible transfer of staff and/or capital assets from one organisation to another as part of the Music Hub Investment Programme.  

The Guidance for Applicants recommends that you contact existing Hub Lead Organisations to discuss current workforce and/or partnership arrangements.  

Download the contact details of current Music Education Hubs > 

Prospective applicants may also wish to look at the Music Education Hub data dashboard to learn more about current Hub delivery, engagement with schools, funding arrangements, governance and workforce. 

View the data dashboard > 

We’ve published guidance for current Hub Lead Organisations on possible transfer arrangements. Though this guidance is for current Hub Lead Organisations, you can take a look to learn what current Hub Lead Organisations have been advised to do. 

Read the transfer guidance for current Hub Lead Organisations >  

Helpful videos

These short videos help to explain key things you should consider when preparing your application.

Understanding the differences between Music Hub leadership, governance and partnership arrangements

Developing your Local Plan for Music Education, including the commissioning of Music Hub activity

Other key things to consider when preparing your Music Hub Investment Programme application

Need some help?

Get in touch with our Customer Service team >   

You can learn more about how we can support you with your application in our ‘Access Support’ helpful document.  

Take a look > 

The deadline for requesting these documents in another format was Friday 4 August 2023. 

How-to guides

On this page, you can find: 

Please note that the Financial Information template has been moved to the 2024-25 revenue and capital grant documents section of this webpage so that all documents needed for the new programme are in one place. 

How to Guide (Updated April 2024)

We have created an updated How-to Guide for the Music Hub Investment Programme to help you complete and submit your Music Hub Development Plan, Partners Table, Financial Information template and Governance and management arrangements.

The guide outlines what the various requirements are and why we’re using them. It also details the functions of each, what you need to tell us when you’re filling them in and how you submit or update each requirement.

This document can be used by all lead applicants going through the funding agreement negotiation process, alongside any applicants considering applying to lead the Music Hubs in London South West and South Yorkshire.

Download the How-to Guide below:

Monitoring information and how-to guide (Updated October 2023)

The following information is relevant to applicants considering to apply to lead the Music Hubs in London South West and South Yorkshire only.

Section four of the Guidance for Applicants explains what applicants need to provide in terms of monitoring information for their organisation. 

The document below explains how we will use this information, and includes a how to guide for how to complete this section of the application form. 

This guide is a Word document, so you can prepare your answers offline, if needed.

How to apply - Grantium guidance (Updated April 2024)

You must submit your application through our application portal, Grantium. 

If you haven’t used Grantium before, you need to create a user account and applicant profile. 

You cannot start your application until we’ve approved your new applicant profile, which may take up to ten working days. 

Our Grantium support webpages guide you through how to create your user account and applicant profile. 

Take a look > 

We have published a step-by-step guide to help you complete the application form. This document was updated on Wednesday 3 April 2024 to add instructions for how to find the outcome of your application on your Grantium profile.

Need some help?

If you need this information in a different format or have feedback about how accessible it is, please get in touch.

Contact us >

2024-25 revenue and capital grant documents

2024-25 revenue and capital grant documents

This section contains all the documents, templates and guidance new Hub Lead Organisations need for the 2024-25 revenue and capital grants. 

To help you navigate the revenue and capital grants, we have produced a Quick Reference Guide. It contains all the key things you need to know about both grants.

Quick Reference Guide

For the revenue grant, these are:

  • Standard terms and conditions 
  • Additional terms and conditions 
  • Payment conditions schedule
  • Local Plan for Music Education guidance 
  • Financial guidance 
  • Financial Information template

You can also download the capital grant essential document on this webpage. All of the documents, guidance and templates needed for the capital grant will be published in the week commencing Monday 22 July 2024. 

If you require any document on this page in a different format, please contact us.

Revenue grant standard terms and conditions 2024-25

Please note that the final version of this document was uploaded on Monday 8 July 2024. There have been no changes to this document since the version published in April 2024.

Revenue grant additional conditions 2024-25

Please note that this document was updated on Monday 8 July 2024.

Revenue grant payment conditions schedule 2024-25

Please note that this document was updated on Monday 8 July 2024.

Local Plan for Music Education guidance 

Uploaded 8 July 2024.

Financial guidance 

Uploaded 8 July 2024.

Financial Information template 

Please note that this document was updated on Tuesday 16 July 2024. If you downloaded a copy of the previously published version (titled Monday 8 July 2024), please discard this as all formulas were displaying, rather than values.

This Financial Information template must be used by all Hub Lead Organisations.

You will need to submit a completed Financial Information template (ie a completed annual budget in Column H) for the operating year 1 September 2024 – 31 August 2025.

We’ve shared the template as a Microsoft Excel document so that it’s compatible with our application portal, Grantium.

When you download the template, we strongly advise that you save the file first, before opening and editing it within the desktop version of Microsoft Excel. Please note, when you open the template, you may be required to click ‘enable editing’ at the top of your screen in order to enter information into it.   

If you try to open and edit the template in your browser, or with other spreadsheet software (eg Numbers), you may lose certain functionality, which could affect your ability to submit correct and compatible data as part of your application.   

If you’re having difficulties downloading, saving or opening the template, please get in touch. We may be able to offer you further support based on the system and software you’re planning to use.  

SMART Objectives template 

This document was uploaded on Wednesday 17 July. This template must be used by all Hub Lead Organisations for the 2024-25 funding period.

Music Hub capital grant for musical instruments, equipment and technology

We have published information about the Music Hub capital grant for musical instruments, equipment and technology in an essential information document, alongside draft terms and conditions. 

As a reminder, you will receive a conditional offer for the capital grant after your funding agreement for the revenue grant has been signed. You don’t need to act immediately, but we are making this essential information available to help you to understand more about the key dates and requirements of the capital grant, and to support your planning.

Capital Grant Essential document: 

Capital Grant Terms and conditions:

Need some help?

Our regularly-updated Frequently Asked Questions contain information about the Music Hub Investment Programme, current Music Education Hubs, the National Plan for Music Education and more. 

Read the FAQs >  

Still need help?  

Our teams are here to support you throughout funding agreement negotiation. 

Get in touch >

Our dedicated Access Support team are here to help if you experience or expect any barrier throughout the Music Hub Investment Programme.

Find out more >

Want to learn more?

Learn how we're ensuring all children and young people in England can thrive through music.

Orchestras Live – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Project with SEND Schools. Photo (c) Samantha Gostner.
Photo by Orchestras Live – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Project with SEND Schools. Photo (c) Samantha Gostner.

The refreshed Music Hub programme will be in place for children and young people in September 2024. Find out everything about the Music Hub Investment Programme timeline on this page.

Artsmark - Northway Primary School
Photo by Artsmark - Northway Primary School. Photo (c) Xavier Fiddes / Northway Primary School.

Want to learn more about the Music Hub Investment Programme? Take a look at our FAQs.

The LPA / St Paul's Juniors
Photo by Three boys in school uniform playing the flute.