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Is my project eligible?

Before you begin your application, read the Guidance for applicants carefully to make sure your application is eligible.  

Find out the common reasons an application may not be eligible for Project Grants funding in our Is My Project Eligible? information sheet.

You will be asked to confirm if you have read this when you apply for Project Grants.

Time limited priorities

From time to time, we may ask for specific types of applications through National Lottery Project Grants to help us achieve our Strategy.

The opportunity to respond to any of these priorities is part of National Lottery Project Grants and not a separate programme.

Any application must meet the criteria for Project Grants, as well as respond to the specific characteristics of any priority.

While we encourage applications to respond to time limited priorities we remain open to all other types of applications through the other strands of National Lottery Project Grants.

National Lottery Project Grants is prioritising the following types of projects:

Supporting Grassroots Music

Funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport as part of the UK Government’s Creative industries sector vision, £5 million has been invested to support Grassroots Music. As part of this, the Supporting Grassroots Music fund will specifically support rehearsal and recording studios, promoters, festivals, and venues for live and electronic music performance. Read the guidance and information sheet for more details on eligibility, budgets and the application process.

Unlocking Collections

As part of the Arts Council’s commitment to funding museums and their collections, Unlocking Collections campaign is a Time Limited Priority within National Lottery Project Grants, aimed at enabling museums to develop their collections-based work and increase public engagement with, and use of, their collections.

Universal Library Offers (From 1 November)

Public libraries can apply for our Universal Library Offers Time limited priority which sits within National Lottery Project Grants. This is aimed at enabling public libraries with their delivery of the four Universal Library Offers: Reading, Health and Wellbeing, Digital and Information, and Culture and Creativity.

Volunteering Futures (Now closed)

Please make sure you have also read the Guidance for applicants.

Funded Organisations and related projects

If your organisation receives regular funding from Arts Council and is planning to apply to National Lottery Project Grants, read our Funded Organisations information sheet

Find out more about our funded organisations: 

Fair Pay

This additional guidance relates to paying people as part of your project. Please make sure you have also read the Guidance for applicants. 

We are committed to making sure those who work on creative and cultural projects are properly and fairly paid. 

We expect you to show how fees for people you are working with are in line with, or better than, legal minimums, any relevant recognised codes of practice and/or guidelines set by the relevant lead bodies. 

For information on Fair pay, as well as volunteers, internships and work experience, please read: 

Types of project

If your application includes activity on any of the topics below, we recommend that you read the relevant information sheet to support your application. 

Please make sure you have also read the Guidance for applicants. 

Click on the words below to view the information sheet.  

Permission to apply

There are some circumstances when you will need permission from us before you can make an application. This additional guidance will help you to understand when this might be needed.  

Please make sure you have also read the Guidance for applicants. 

Being environmentally responsible

We welcome applications that deliver creative or cultural projects in an environmentally responsible way. 

You can find out about the positive steps you can take by having a look at our Environmental Responsibility information sheet

Templates and examples

This is where you can find templates to help you provide the application information that we need.  

Project Grants cashflow template: 

Examples of project descriptions – coming soon

Got a question?

Got a question about National Lottery Project Grants? Our FAQs may have the answer

A performer hands a box of flowers to two members of the public.
Photo by Wildflower by Curious Arts, Summer Streets Festival 2021

Find out how to get in touch with us

Studio Wayne McGregor & students from Weston College perform a dance response to Luke Jerram’s In Memoriam
Photo by Studio Wayne McGregor & students from Weston College perform a dance response to Luke Jerram’s In Memoriam. Image © Finnbarr Webster