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How to apply

Here you will find links to information about how to apply for Accreditation for the first time, as well as how to complete an Accreditation Return, and a Provisional Review.

If you are applying for the first time or reapplying after a period of non-participation, please click How to apply - New Applicants in the sidebar on the left.

If you already hold a Full Accreditation award, you will be invited to complete an Accreditation Return about every five years. Please click How to apply - Accreditation Returns in the sidebar on the left for help on preparing your Accreditation Return.

If you currently hold a Provisional Award, you will need to submit a Provisional Review by the deadline shown in your last outcome letter, usually 12 months from the date of the letter. Please click How to apply - Provisional Reviews in the sidebar on the left for help on preparing your Accreditation Return.

How to apply - New Applicants

To apply for the Scheme for the first time or reapply after a period of non-participation, your organisation must:

  • be based in the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands
  • meet the Museums Association’s 1998 definition of a museum: “Museums enable people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that collect, safeguard and make accessible artefacts and specimens, which they hold in trust for society.”
  • be a physical site/space/building which is open to the public regularly
  • enable the public to see and engage with your museum’s collections
  • have an appropriate constitution which supports the long-term purpose of a public museum
  • be committed to making a full application for Accreditation within three years

If you meet all these criteria, you should first read the Accreditation Standard and guidance download below. If you have queries about your eligibility, you can also speak to your museum development team or an Accreditation advisor.

You should then complete and sign an eligibility questionnaire and email it to us. Both scanned signatures and typed signatures are accepted.

We will assess your eligibility and may contact you for additional information; we usually let you know our decision within six weeks. If successful, we will confirm your organisation’s ‘Working Towards Accreditation’ status and you will be invited to apply.

What’s changed about the eligibility criteria for Accreditation 2018?

The 2018 Accreditation Standard replaces the previous 2011 Standard. It was developed following a review of the scheme, including widespread consultation with the sector. In line with the review principles of trying to streamline where possible, the revised guidance has fewer eligibility criteria. However, there is greater emphasis on museums having an appropriately constituted governing body.

At eligibility stage we no longer require a forward/business plan (but it can be used to evidence the commitment to making an application for Accreditation within a three-year time period) and we no longer require two years’ accounts.

New applicants - If you're confirmed eligible

Museums that are confirmed as eligible are formally recognised as Working Towards Accreditation.

From the date we confirm your eligibility to apply, you’ll usually have up to three years to submit an Accreditation application.

Check the Working Towards Accreditation list (XLSX, 25.77 KB) to see when you will need to submit by. 

Your local Museum Development provider can help with Accreditation advice and support. They can also keep you up to date with any changes in the accreditation standard and how to respond to these. 

Please note that you may need to reapply for eligibility again if your governing body changes during the three year Working Towards Accreditation period.

How do I apply for the first time?  

To submit your Accreditation application, you’ll need to use our application portal, Grantium

You will need to create a Grantium applicant profile for your museum if it doesn’t already have one. For general guidance on creating and managing your account and applicant profile please visit our Grantium support pages. You’ll also find it helpful to read our Getting Started on Grantium guidance tailored to the Accreditation scheme. 

Please note it can take up to 10 working days for your profile to be validated. Once you’ve had notification your applicant profile is validated you’ll be able to start your application. 

Completing your application on Grantium

To open a blank application form follow the instructions in our Getting Started on Grantium guidance (PDF, 184.28 KB). Then use the Completing your application on Grantium guide (PDF, 481.16 KB) to help fill in the form. 

All UK museums and galleries applying to the Scheme can access technical support on using Grantium from our Customer Services Team.

You will apply against the 2018 Accreditation Standard. The 2018 Standard and accompanying guidance are available on our website to download here. You’ll need to include your eligibility reference number (‘T’ number) if you’re making your first application


How to apply - Accreditation Returns

How to apply - Accreditation Returns

An award of Full Accreditation is valid for approximately five years, at which point the museum will be invited to provide a return to demonstrate continuing compliance with the Accreditation Standard (PDF, 366.81 KB)

If you have been invited to submit your Accreditation Return, the advice and guidance on this page will help you to prepare your Return. 

Find out the latest information on the Return schedule >

What do I need to include in my Return?

Preparing your Return submission provides an opportunity for self-assessment against the Accreditation Standard. It acts as a check in point to provide reassurance to both you and us that you are continuing to meet the Standard.

We expect you to review your essential policies, plans and procedures regularly. As part of your Return application you’ll need to send us the current version of some key documents (along with the relevant governing body approval) and let us know the dates that others were last reviewed.  

You’ll also need to report on your progress against any Areas for Improvement / Development listed in your last Accreditation award letter.

We offer Accreditation awards to museum or gallery sites rather than services or collections. If you belong to a group of museums operated by a corporate body, such as a local authority service, you’ll need to submit a separate Return application for each individual museum.

The Accreditation Guidance (PDF, 1.68 MB) outlines the importance of each requirement and what evidence we’ll be looking for.

Our Accreditation Returns Information Sheet & FAQs explains what you’ll need to include with your Return submission It contains links to key guidance and templates you may need, as well as answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Returns process.  

National museums and nationally-styled museums need to complete some additional questions within the online Return application form. A reference copy of the questions is available to download here (PDF, 160.37 KB)

How should I send in my Accreditation return?

Your Accreditation Return needs to be submitted using an online form on our application portal, Grantium. 

You’ll find guidance below on Getting started on Grantium

For full details on getting set up on Grantium and step-by-step guidance on filling in the online form, please see Completing your Accreditation Return on Grantium  

Support and advice 

We fund a programme of Museum Development to directly support the delivery of the UK Accreditation Scheme for museums and galleries in England. 

If you have any questions while preparing your Return, please contact your local Museum Development provider. Their contact details are available here

The Accreditation Mentors scheme partners experienced professionals with smaller museums, to help them with Accreditation applications and returns. If you have an Accreditation mentor now is a good time to get in touch.

The Collections Trust website hosts recommended Accreditation resources that support each of the 21 requirements of the Standard. You can access these resources via the following link:

Completing your Accreditation Return on Grantium

This page includes information and links to technical guidance for using Grantium. If you’re looking for advice about what to include with your Return, please see How to apply - Accreditation Returns

Getting started with Accreditation in Grantium

You’ll submit your Accreditation Return using an online form on our application portal, Grantium.

All Accredited museums will need to set up an organisation applicant profile if they don’t have one already. Your organisation may already have an applicant profile set up, so it’s a good idea to check this before you get started. 

We offer Accreditation awards to museum sites rather than services or collections. If you belong to a group of museums operated by a corporate body, such as a local authority service, then you will need to submit a separate Return application for each individual museum. On Grantium, museum service applicants can choose to submit the Return applications for each site via a single Applicant profile for the main body, or they can set up an Applicant profile for each individual site.

Navigating the application form

There is a range of technical guidance to help you with navigating Grantium: 

If you’re brand new to Grantium, or need help updating your applicant profile, you may find it helpful to read our Getting Started on Grantium guidance (PDF, 184.28 KB) tailored to the Accreditation scheme. 

For technical help completing all types of Accreditation application forms, you can use the Completing your application on Grantium guide. This includes some useful tips and general guidance. 

For step-by-step instructions on setting up and submitting your Accreditation Return application on Grantium, please read our Accreditation Returns Grantium guidance 

For general guidance on creating and managing your Grantium individual user account and organisation applicant profile please visit our Grantium support pages

All UK museums and galleries applying to the Scheme can access technical support on using Grantium from our Customer Services Team.

How to apply - Provisional Reviews

Museums holding Provisional Accreditation sit outside of the published returns cycle as they need to respond to the identified required actions by an agreed timescale instead (usually a short-term deadline of 12 months). 

If you hold a Provisional Accreditation award, you can find the deadline to submit your Provisional Review in your latest outcome letter. Your letter will also outline the Required Actions that you’ll need to report against in your Provisional Review submission. 

Provisional Reviews should be submitted on Grantium. We will write to you before your deadline with guidance of how to submit your review.

This page is under development and will be updated with more information soon. If you need help preparing a Provisional Review in the meantime, please email the team


How we make decisions

Once you’ve submitted your application or return, you’ll receive an automatic email confirming that we’ve received it.

An initial assessment will then by undertaken by us, based on the published Standard and the associated guidance documents. We may contact you to discuss any queries or request additional information and we may also visit your museum as part of the assessment. You will have an opportunity to respond before an award decision is made.

Completed assessments are submitted for a quality assurance review (moderation) and scheduled for panel consideration. The Accreditation panel then decides the award outcome and your award is confirmed (as appropriate).

Four award outcomes are possible:

  • Full Accreditation
  • Provisional Accreditation
  • Remove
  • Exclude due to deliberate non-compliance

You will be formally notified of the panel’s decision within two weeks. If the panel has awarded full Accreditation, we will also provide a certificate.

Logo usage

Copies of the Accreditation logo for accredited museums are available on request. 

For museums in England, the Channel Isles and Isle of Man, contact us to request the logo, or e-mail our accreditation team.

Guidelines for use of the logo are available below.

About the accreditation committee

The Accreditation Committee is a volunteer professional body of experts. The committee supports the policy direction of the Scheme and makes all decisions relating to awards of Accreditation.

The committee is appointed by the Arts Council on behalf of the UK Partnership. Their responsiblities are to:

  • meet regularly throughout the year as smaller ‘Accreditation panels’ to consider new applications, assessments and make decisions regarding Accredited status
  • meet once a year to discuss policy and review quality assurance
  • periodically review the Accreditation Scheme

Members of the Accreditation Committee should not be contacted by museums regarding applications for Accreditation status, or any activity necessary to meet any specific requirements attached to an award.