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How we work with libraries


As agreed with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the Arts Council’s role is to develop and advocate for libraries. Although we don’t have any statutory responsibilities for libraries, we use our experience to support and encourage their development.

England’s public libraries are at the heart of our communities where people of all ages can create, learn, relax, build friendships, and escape to new worlds.  The library network is accessible to all, through its buildings, community engagement, and digital technologies, driven by its highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce of staff and volunteers. Our libraries are constantly innovating and diversifying, enabling them to meet local, regional, and national priorities through engaging with communities and contributing to the wider goals of national and local government.

Our national role means that we are well-placed to stimulate debate and offer support to the development of public libraries through funding, advocacy, and collaboration.  Our libraries team are champions in the sector at all levels across all areas in England.

Close-up of books at The Book Hive, Norwich.
Photo by The Book Hive. Photo © Rusty Squid
The Book Hive. Photo © Rusty Squid

Our partners

We use our convening power to foster partnership working to maximise libraries’ potential locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

We work with a range of partners and stakeholders from across the library sector and beyond to develop public libraries and to drive innovative change.  This collaboration provides communities in every corner of the country with more opportunities to enjoy culture, learn new skills, and to connect with others.

The Libraries team at Arts Council England works with:

Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians - The national network of senior managers in Children’s, Public and Schools Library Services.

Booktrust - The UK’s largest children’s reading charity, dedicated to getting children reading.  

British Library - The national library of the United Kingdom, giving access to the world’s most comprehensive research collection.

Carnegie UK Trust - An independent charitable foundation, working to improve the lives of people throughout the UK.

Chartered Institute of Information and Library Professionals - The UK’s library and information association. CILIP work to improve services, develop members’ expertise and champion the sector.

Community Managed Libraries Network - Helps community managed libraries (CMLs) to run effectively and successfully by sharing ideas, learning, experiences and inspiration.

Department of Culture, Media, and Sport - The government department with responsibility for culture and sport in England.

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - The government department responsible for housing, communities, and local government in England and the levelling up policy.

International Federation of Library Associations - The global voice of libraries, representing the interests of the profession and working to improve services worldwide.

Libraries Connected - A membership organisation, made up of every library service in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, working to promote the value of libraries, brokering national partnerships, sharing best practice and driving innovation in the sector.

Libraries Ireland - The national network of local authority libraries in Ireland.

Local Government Association - The national membership body for local authorities, working on behalf of member councils to support, promote and improve local government.

Research Libraries UK - A consortium of the leading and most significant research libraries in the UK and Ireland

Scottish Library and Information Council - the independent advisory body to the Scottish Government on library and information related matters.

The National Literacy Trust - An independent charity working with schools and communities to give disadvantaged children the literacy skills to succeed in life.

The Reading Agency - A UK charity with a mission to empower people of all ages to read.

The National Archives - A non-ministerial department, and the official archive and publisher for the UK Government, and for England and Wales.

The National Archives and Arts Council England have signed a new collaboration agreement for 2024 to 2027. This agreement outlines how we will build on our previous work together to ensure a comprehensive cultural offer for the public, which includes the rich variety of arts, museums, libraries and archives. 

National Lottery Project Grants

Libraries can apply to our National Lottery Project Grants for a wide range of activities that support, enhance and enrich libraries’ work, and develop the role of libraries as cultural providers in their communities.

What libraries can apply for:

All libraries

All libraries can apply to National Lottery Project Grants for new creative and cultural projects that focus on any of the disciplines that come under the Arts Council’s remit: literature, visual arts, theatre, music, dance, and combined arts.

Local authority library services

In addition, local authority library services (as defined by the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964) can apply to Project Grants for Universal Library Offers activity through our Universal Library Offer Time limited priority. This includes projects that do not focus on any of the disciplines that we support.

The Universal Library Offers are:

• Reading

• Culture and Creativity

• Information and Digital

• Health and Wellbeing.

Please see our National Lottery Project Grants Guidance Library for all the information you need.

Alongside the Guidance for applicants, in our Guidance Library you can find the Library Projects and Universal Library Offers information sheet.

If you are a Library and part of the National Portfolio, more information on what you can apply for can be found in the Funded Organisations and Project Grants information sheet.

Explore National Lottery Project Grants in Libraries

Coventry Libraries marked a milestone in May– exceeding its target to reach one million reads over its City of Culture year.

Photograph of a young girl in a pale pink jumper reading a book at Coventry Library.
Photo by (c) Russell Whitehead

New project, Rekindle, places libraries, and their staff, at the heart of delivering creative and cultural experiences for rural and underserved communities.

A performer is stood in front of an audience. The audience are sat on chairs. They are all in a library. The performer is playing an Accordion and wearing a deerstalker hat. Behind the performer is a small set green cloth and toadstools.
Photo by The Nosy Little Troll by Garlic Theatre at Mile Cross Library. Image credit Charlie Plumb

Libraries we support in the National Portfolio 2023-26

We support a number of libraries as part of our National Portfolio, ensuring that more people in more places can find fantastic, fulfilling art and culture on their doorsteps.

  • Barnsley Libraries
  • Cambridgeshire Libraries
  • East Riding Libraries
  • Explore York
  • Gloucester Libraries
  • Hull Libraries
  • Inspire
  • Leicestershire Libraries
  • Libraries Unlimited
  • London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Libraries – Pen to Print
  • London Borough of Merton Libraries
  • Kent Libraries
  • Sefton Libraries – At The Library
  • South Tyneside Libraries
  • St Helen’s Libraries – Arts in Libraries
  • Suffolk Libraries
  • Warwickshire Libraries

Investment Principles Support Organisations

We are committed to developing libraries and improving quality across all their creative work and processes, and in the way in which they run their organisations.  We invest in Investment Principles Support Organisations who focus on supporting other organisations and individuals in the cultural sector to embed one or more of our Investment Principles in their work.

We currently support Libraries Connected and Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians (ASCEL) to develop the public library sector in England.

Other library funding programmes

Take a look at some of our other funding programmes related to libraries using the links below.

Capital funding programmes

Capital funding programmes like the Capital Investment Programme and Libraries Improvement Fund provide grants to support libraries in adjusting buildings and equipment to improve access, seize on technological opportunities, and reduce environmental impact.

Discover our funding programmes and development resources to support capital projects >

Case study - Building excellence in the Cultural Sector: Merton Libraries

In 2019, Merton Libraries undertook a refurbishment of the children’s sections of each of its seven local libraries.

Find out more >

Unlocking Collections

As part of the our commitment to funding museums and libraries and their collections, Unlocking Collections is a Time Limited Priority within National Lottery Project Grants, aimed at enabling museums and libraries to develop their collections-based work and increase public engagement with, and use of, their collections.

Find out more>  

The Collections Purchase Fund

The Arts Council England/V&A Purchase Fund Purchase Fund uses National Lottery funds to contribute towards the acquisition of objects relating to the arts, literature and history by museums, galleries, record repositories and specialist libraries in England and Wales which are not funded by central government.

Find out more >

Libraries Improvement Fund

To enable library services across England to invest in a range of projects to upgrade buildings and technology so they are better placed to respond to the changing ways people are using them.  

Find out more >

Other support for libraries

Digital Culture Network

Arts Council England’s Digital Culture Network provides free support and advice to cultural organisations, including libraries.  It can help libraries to:

  • develop digital skills (data analytics).
  • find new ways to reach and engage audiences (digital marketing; social  media; websites; accessibility; search engine optimisation).
  • develop business models (digital strategy).

The Digital Culture Network supports libraries in different ways:

  • One-to-one support from a team of Tech Champions specialising in digital skills.
  • Practical workshops and webinars to improve skills and engage with peers.
  • Signposting to resources and training from us and our partners.
  • National and regional training days delivered with technology partners.