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Quick read: delivering the Government's Culture Recovery Fund

18 July 2024
00:39 - 00:39
This quick read provides an easy summary of the points covered in our blog 'Delivering the Government's Culture Recovery Fund'.


Two actors on stage at the curtain call from The Merchant of Venice and Othello.

The government’s Culture Recovery Fund

On Wednesday, the government shared details of the Culture Recovery Fund, including how it will be delivered and who can apply to it. 

The fund aims to support the survival of cultural and heritage organisations that:

  • are of international or national cultural significance
  • or that contribute to the levelling-up agenda
  • and that are at risk of closing by the end of the year

Organisations that meet that criteria can apply for funding to support activities, as well as essential running costs, so long as they:

  • meet Covid-19 safety guidelines
  • don’t put the organisation at financial risk
  • offer good value for money

Find out more > 

Arts Council England will deliver this funding to organisations and we know they need this money quickly, so we aim to tell applicants our decision at the end of September, and to get the majority of the money to them by the end of October. 

Additional funding available

The Emergency Grassroots Music Venues Fund is making £2.25 million available to grassroots music venues facing imminent closure.   

Applications close on Monday 3 August and we aim to distribute this funding from August.

Find out more > 

The government is also launching a repayable loan programme, which will make up to £270 million available for organisations seeking more than £3 million investment. 

Loan terms will include:

  • a repayment term of up to 20 years
  • an initial repayment holiday of up to four years
  • and interest of 2% per annum.

Decisions on these awards will be made by the government’s new Culture Recovery Board, which was appointed by DCMS. 

More details about repayable loans will be made available soon. 

To complement the Government’s funding, we’ve set out how we’ll use our grant programmes to support artists, practitioners and freelancers.

Find out more >

Caring for your workforce and making fair decisions guide

We are very grateful to the government for its investment, but we know it won’t be enough to avoid job losses or organisation closures. 

We have produced a new guide to help organisations make fair decisions about where and how cuts and savings will be made, and how to look after and support their staff.

Read the guide >

Spending review

Last week, the Chancellor launched the 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review, which will be published in the Autumn. It will set out the government’s spending plans between 2021 and 2024.

We need to show how culture and creativity is a smart investment, including our innovation and talent, our soft power on the international stage, and bringing our communities together. 

Looking ahead

Being publicly funded, its our responsibility to play our part in the post-Covid economic recovery, as well as meeting the needs and interests of all people in all parts of the country, especially those who are less well-off or that are vulnerable.  

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We are the national development agency for creativity and culture. We have set out our strategic vision in Let’s Create that by 2030 we want England to be a country in which the creativity of each of us is valued and given the chance to flourish and where everyone of ...