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The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here

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Darren Henley

This weekend, Coventry’s year as UK City of Culture 2021 officially started with an exciting video featuring wise and inspiring words from Coventry’s famous names and residents, both past and present. Coventry, a city known for making, for innovation and creativity, shows that, despite challenges, it can still build something spectacular.

Posted by:

Darren Henley


Darren Henley stood by a taxi in Coventry

This moment welcomes what is a monumental achievement for Chief Executive, Martin Sutherland, Creative Director, Chenine Bhathena and the team at the City of Culture Trust, who after years of planning and hard work, have had to deal with the most challenging 12 months to get this large-scale event off the ground amongst restrictions and delays. I think I speak for all of us at Arts Council England when we say thank you to them for their perseverance and flexibility, and that we’re really excited for the year ahead.

And what a year it is set to be. Whether it’s the Turner Prize at the Herbert Art Gallery, the visit of the Little Amal, the 3.5-metre-tall puppet as part of the Walk, or the announcement of the International Booker Prize and the Summer of Surprises which is set to bring music, theatre, and art to the venues and streets of the city. There really is something for everyone. We hope that this year, although different, will have a positive legacy on Coventry and its people.

The pandemic has dominated our lives in ways that nobody could have imagined. The start of Coventry 2021 will bring excitement as restrictions begin to ease, Coventry’s people will begin a return to normality and be inspired by the great creativity that is on their doorstep. It’s brilliant to see the community’s pride in their city, and willingness to help, with more than 2,000 people signing up to be a City Host over the course of the year.

We know that things won’t feel quite the same as they once did, but we can see that this City of Culture has embraced ‘the new normal’. More digital events, socially distanced moments, and a flexibility in scheduling like no other that has gone before, and we are confident that the learnings from this will help shape and inspire whoever gets the title next.

We’re pleased to have been part of it from the start. Arts Council England has invested more than £5 million into the event and has backed many individuals and organisations who are playing a part in the programme through National Lottery Project Grants. We look forward to the Coventry Biennial, and Coventry’s part in the cultural programme of the Rugby League World Cup – neither of which would be happening without National Lottery players.

Last month we announced the first phase of our Delivery Plan for the Arts Council England’s ten-year strategy, Let’s Create. By 2030, we want England to be a country in which the creativity of each of us is valued and given the chance to flourish and where everyone has access to a remarkable range of high-quality cultural experiences. 

Coventry 2021 gives us an opportunity to make the very best start using those aims by inspiring our nation, and by putting arts and culture at the forefront of the minds of Coventrians and people from across England. It will ensure they have the opportunity to experience and take part in world class culture, as well as the chance to inspire an entire generation of young artists and leaders in the city for the future. The work that the City of Culture Trust has put into projects and partnerships with community groups, and their commitment to environmentally friendly projects and messages proves that we are already working towards those ambitions.

As we saw in Hull in 2017, the UK City of Culture title helps to give a place the platform to tell their story, to present itself to others, and to win new admirers from across our country, even some who may never have visited or thought much about the city before. We’ve also seen local people become prouder of their community and what it offers, helping them to become happier with where they live.

At the Arts Council, thanks to taxpayers and National Lottery players, we invest in artists, arts organisations, museums and libraries making a positive difference in people’s lives. We know that this investment goes towards making people and communities happier. After the challenges everyone has faced due to Covid-19, this investment is needed now more than ever. Helping people lead happier lives is key to that.

Speaking personally, I can’t wait to get to Coventry again, and I’m looking forward to seeing the changes in the city, from the new Daimler Powerhouse to the new creative commissions like the street art project, In Paint We Trust.

Coventry 2021 should bring us hope. A hope that we begin to see the return of the large scale events and spectacle that we do so well in our country, but most of all a hope that we will be enjoying great arts and culture alongside other people once again.



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Dr Darren Henley CBE is chief executive of Arts Council England. Previously managing director of Classic FM, his two independent government reviews of music education and cultural education resulted in England’s first National Plan for Music Education, new networks of Music Education Hubs, Cultural Education Partnerships and Heritage Schools, the ...