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Introducing the Digital Culture Awards

We’ve launched the first ever Digital Culture Awards – brought to you by the Arts Council and the Digital Culture Network. We caught up with Tiina Hill, Senior Manager of the Digital Cultural Network, to get an introduction to the awards and find out how you can get involved.


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What are the Digital Culture Awards? 

The Digital Culture Awards, from Arts Council England’s Digital Culture Network, celebrate tech innovation in arts and culture. The awards are a chance to showcase and recognise the best in digital transformation, digital engagement and use of technology. We’ll be sharing category shortlists towards the end of this year and announcing the winners at a virtual event on 20 January 2022 – put the date in your diary now! 

Why are you hosting them? 

The past 18 months have been a challenging period of change for our sector, and we have witnessed so much resilience and innovation in the way arts and cultural organisations have embraced digital and technology to engage their audiences, create and distribute content and develop new income streams.

We think this digital transformation should be celebrated and recognised, and we want to use this event to share as many stories as possible!  

How can I enter?  

The Awards are open to all non-for-profit arts and culture organisations based in England and there are 8 categories. We’re looking for projects that showcase innovative and creative ways organisations have embraced and utilised digital tools and technologies across one or more of our 8 categories. Areas covered include social media, content production & distribution, income generation, digital inclusion, use of data, organisational digital transformation, and a special category for an individual emerging digital leader.  

Applications are open from midday on Wednesday 29 September until 10am Monday 8 November. 

To find out how to enter, head to the Digital Culture Network website

How will the winners be decided? 

We’re working with an expert judging panel of arts and tech leaders to make our decisions, and two categories will be decided by a public vote launching at the end of this year.  

What’s in it for the winners? 

One aim of the Digital Culture Network is to foster relationships between the tech and cultural sector, so we’ll be sourcing in-kind support from tech companies.   

Along with this practical support, winners and runners-up will also receive plenty of publicity and recognition and of course a nice shiny trophy! 

When are the winners announced and can I attend the awards? 

Entries close on Monday 8 November and our judges will be busy shortlisting that month.  

We’ll announce the shortlists and open the public voting categories in mid-December, which leaves plenty of time to cast your vote ahead of the first Digital Culture Awards on Thursday 20 January 2022.  

The event will be hosted digitally – so you can tune in from your home or your workplace. We hope you’ll join us to celebrate the creativity and resilience shown by the organisation and people that make up our world class arts and culture sector.  

Find Out How to Enter

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We are the national development agency for creativity and culture. We have set out our strategic vision in Let’s Create that by 2030 we want England to be a country in which the creativity of each of us is valued and given the chance to flourish and where everyone of ...